After-School Sports Programs
Here are the After-School Sports Programs we offer. All participants must have the following permissions slip completed, signed and on file before starting:
For more information, please contact us.
Cross Country: Starts end of August. Coaches: Mr. Marshall, Ms. Espejo, & Mr. Taylor
Girls Softball: Starts in August. Coach: Mr.Trent
Wrestling: Starts end of October. Coach: Mr. Bocca
Girls Basketball (7th & 8th): Starts in October. Coaches: Mr. Franza and Mr. Gemellos
Boys Basketball: Starts in December. Coaches: Mr. Franza
Girls/Boys Volleyball: Starts in February. Coaches: Mr. Henry and Mr. Connolly
Boys Soccer: Starts end of January. Coach: Mr. Bocca
Girls Soccer: Starts end of January. Coach: TBD
Track & Field: Starts in April. Lead Coach: Mr. Marshall