PG movie permission slip
To reinforce our units and to inspire the students in our various physical activities on rainy days or when facilities aren't available, the Chaboya P.E. department would like the opportunity to show some or all of a PG movie. In order to show movies of this rating we require parental permission. The PG movies shown would be directly related to the unit and a written assignment would be required.
Here is the current selection of movies that could be shown based on the student's unit:
Hoosiers – basketball unit
Sandlot – baseball/softball
The Rookie – baseball/softball
Rudy – Football
Remember the Titans – Football
McFarland USA – Cross Country/Track
Miracle – hockey
Going to the Matt – Wrestling
If a movie is not listed above, parents will be notified in advance of the title of the movie to be shown.
Please fill out the form and sign below. The form must be turned into your child’s P.E. teacher.
___________Yes, my child has my permission to watch a PG movie.
___________No, my child does not have my permission.
Student Name (printed)
__________________________ _________________________
Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature